
Krupesh Mahesh Anadkat Krupesh M. Anadkat

🎈Learn How To Create Real World websites with these Resources for FREE. 🗃Treasure of HTML, CSS, JS, Icons & SEO Tools for Building Websites Efficiently.



Browse Categories

I have tried to includes as many as possible Great Frontend Development Tools & Learning Resources for HTML, CSS, JS, Colors, Gradients, SEO, Icons, Images, Videos and much more to help you Build Websites.

Learning Paths

Every Section begins with Learning Resources like interactive platform or online free ebooks. These are NO Ordinary Resources! They are very popular in developer commmunity since years.

Development Tools

Most of these tools are opensource and free for use in personal & commercial projects. Just assure that you include respective Licenses and attribution wherever necessary in production environment.

freecodecamp.org Basic HTML5 - FreeCodeCamp.org

Head start and Interactive way to learn + Projects & Certificates. Definitely No. 1 Choice for Learning!

W3schools.com W3schools Web Tutorials

Learn with Examples. One of those top HTML5 Online Tutorial for beginners.

Mozilla Development Network MDN HTML5 Reference

List of all HTML5 elements you will ever need for quick reference by Mozilla Developer Network.

websitesetup.org HTML Cheat Sheet WebsiteSetup

A very handy and printable HTML elements cheat sheet to keep you reminded.

Goalkicker HTML 5 Professional Notes

For book readers. This is a great free ebook by Goalkicker and Stackoverflow community.

www.key-shortcut.com HTML Entities by key-shortcut

Check List of HTML Entities or Symbols like Copyright, Arrows, Arithmetic, etc.

validator.w3.org W3 Markup Validation

A quick syntactical error finder. Must validate your site before deploying it to production.

HTML5 Boiler Plate HTML 5 Boiler Plate

The web’s most popular front-end template. I always use this as My Project Starter Kit.

W3schools.com W3schools Web Tutorials

W3Schools is complete Development Learning Package. It has amazing CSS Tutorial.

learn.shayhowe.com Getting To Know CSS - Shayhowe

It is like an Article of Introduction to CSS. Must Read Once you have started Learning.

https://cssreference.io/ cssreference.io - MUST Check

This is one of my favourites learning resources. Contains Properties, Box model, Animations, CSS Grid, Flexbox and much more.

tympanus.net Codrops CSS Reference - Codrops

Name any property, they have exaplined it pretty clearly here. Easy to navigate and read.

code.tutsplus.com 30 CSS Selectors - Jeffrey Way Tutsplus

This handy list of CSS Selectors would Save many Class/Id declarations. A very important resource.

learn.shayhowe.com Responsive Design - Shayhowe

Learn Media Queries and how to make your website responsive to variety of devices.

cssgrid.io CSS GRID with WES BOS

Mozilla Develoment Network Sponsored Free Tutorial. The only tutorial required to learn CSS Grid.

FlexBox Tutorial CSS Flexbox - CSS Tricks

A Complete Guide to Flexbox. Watchout for other tutorial/articles, Second HOME for CSS.

caniuse.com Can I Use - Support Tables

Check for Properties if Available in Different Browsers of Various Platforms.

animate.css Animate.css - Daniel Eden

A very popular Animation css library, simple to implement. I use it in almost every project.

Hover.css Hover.css - Ian Lunn

Collection of On-Hover animations. Not free for commercial projects. But Great for Reference.

learn.shayhowe.com Clippy - CSS clip-path maker

Clip Images/backgrounds in variety of shapes to give modern touch. Clip Path Code Generator

Eloquent Javascript Eloquent JavaScript - Ebook/website

The only thing you will ever need, if you can learn by reading and practicing. No. 1 JS Resource.

Javascript.info The Modern Javascript Tutorial

Free web reading/learning site. From basics to advanced topics, simple & detailed explanations.

https://www.freecodecamp.org/ Javascript - Free Code Camp

Developer Community LOVES FreeCodeCamp.org Must Checkout the whole site. Real Treasure!

thegymnasium.com Javascript Foundations - Gymnasium

Free course, taught by industry expert. I learnt Js from here. Packed with Great Projects.

Mozilla Developer Network Learn Javascript - MDN

They have good content, divided into modules. I often come here for references & readings.

Javascript 30 Wes Bos Javascript 30 - WES BOS

Another GREAT Free tutorial by Wes Bos, Packed with 30 projects. (Not for absolute beginners)

kenwheeler.github.io Slick - The Last Carousel

Starting with Plugins, Flexible & easy to use JavaScript plugin for Carousels.

semantic-ui.com Accordion - Semantic UI

Plugin for Exapnadable/Collapsable Section module. It has got many other modules too.

izimodal.js Modal - izimodal.js

It has animations, iframes, forms, easily customizable and everything you need.

Slidebars Slidebars - Adchsm

Beautiful Mobile Navigation menu, rightly built for smartphones. Jquery Plugin.

Slidebars Lightbox by UIKit

With Little tinkering with its JS file, you can get this amazing LightBox Gallery plugin.

Unheap World of Plugins - Unheap

There are endless plugins, best ones are sorted for you @ Unheap. One of Personal Favourites

FLAT UI Colors Flat UI Colors

My FIRST PLACE for color hunt. You can't get wrong colors from here. They've got all sorts of variety.

https://color.adobe.com Adobe Color Palettes

Color Palettes made by Professionals. Imagine any Color Combinations, you would find it here.

colorhunt.co Color Hunt Color Palettes

Collection of color Palettes. Similar to Adobe Color Palettes. Don't miss sorting options at top.

Colordot Colordot - Color Picker for Humans

Most fun way of picking GREAT colors, move your mouse and click. Try closing ur eyes & do that :P

Paletton Paletton - Color Picker

Another Color picker to try out. Helps quickly getting different shades of same color.

cssgradient.io CSS Gradients Generator & Maker

Regular Visitor. Genrate Gradients and Grab css code! Watch out for Swatches they have.

Grabient Grabient

Regular Visitor. They have small, BUT SPLENDID collection of gradients. Must Check!

Trianglify Trianglify

Accidently bumped into it & i have become FAN! Generate Poly Pattern backgrounds like Google!

Mega Tags MegaTags - Meta Tags Generator

Plug in your site's information and generate social media meta tags. Used in every project of mine.

SERP Preview by zeo.org Search Engine Result Page - ZEO

Check how your website looks in Google Search Results based on Meta Information.

Website Preview Website Preview Builder - Unfurls

Preview your live, production website for Google, Facebook & Twitter. Also helps with Meta tags.

Favicon Generator Favicon Generator - Favicon.io

The only Favicon Genrator you will ever need! Generate from Text, Image & Emoji.

Feather Icons Feather Icons - Open Source

Beautiful Line Icons with downloadable svgs. I use icons from here in most of my projects (this site).

Material Icons Material Icons by Google

All sorts of Professional icons found in Android, Public Places(restrooms - lol) and Google Websites.

Open Iconic Icons by Open Iconic

Light weight and Open Source Repository of 223 webfont, SVG and raster format icons.

Font Awesome Font awesomec

Font Awesome is the web's most popular icon set and toolkit. They've got free & paid icons.

DevIcons - Konpa.github.io DevIcons by Konpa

Icons of Every Programming Languages you will ever need. SVG, PNGs and Font version.

Make a Readme Editor Make a README

I wrote my first readme online here, it has become my favorite place to start with markdown.

Github Readme Gist Readme.md Template

Every Developer needs to write Readme markdown atleast once in development profession.

Github Markdown docs Github Markdown Docs

It has got all syntax and writting formats for markdown you will ever need.

Shield Badge Generator Shield.io - Metadata Badges

Wondered seeing those Colorful badges on git readme, want one? Scroll to "Your Badge"

Google Fonts Google Fonts

Huge Collection of free fonts, easy to integrate in projects. #1 font resource.

Font Squirrel Font Squirrel

Another repository of free commercial use fonts.

Unsplash Unsplash Photos for Everyone

One of the most widely used free stock photos website. Free for commercial use.

Pixabay Pixabay Stunning Free Images

Personal Favourite resource. They have Got Videos and Illustrations too.

Pexels Pixabay Free Stock Photos

Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos. Watch out for collections.

Coverr Coverr.co Free Videos

Got great collection of videos you want to keep as background of header in homepage.

Hero Patterns Hero Patterns

You saw pattern background at top of this page? It is from here. Must Check!

Random User Generator Random User Generator

A free, open-source API for generating random user data. Like Lorem Ipsum, but for people.

Smartmockups Smartmockups

Want to put forward your website in impressive manner? Use Free Mockups from here.

Emoji Copy Emoji Copy

By now you might have seen many emojis on this website, It is just copy and paste from above link.




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Bulma is Free, CSS framework based on Flexbox. 100% Responsive, Modular and Modern.    

Semantic UI


Semantic UI

Development framework that helps create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML.